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Herringbone: A Milking System for Cows

The Key Benefits of Implementing a Herringbone Milking System for Cows.

All the work on a dairy farm leads up to one moment: when a cow is positioned and attached to its milking machine for the day's production. Everything else is just preparation, from pasturing cows to checking on their health to selecting the right type of feed for them at every step of the way. When the moment of milking arrives, it's critical to count on the system to work safely and efficiently. Just as importantly, whichever milking system for cows you choose should be versatile and resilient, able to stand up to the heavy demands that you may place on the equipment.

Is your current setup not providing the optimum experience, or are you ready to expand and set up a new farm dairy? A herringbone milking parlour could be the ideal solution when you want to maximise efficiency and safety during every milking session. At Better Dairy Solutions, we can help connect you with a herringbone design that will not only fit perfectly into the space that you have available, but which will also allow you to improve the usefulness of the area's layout significantly. What are some of the specific reasons to consider choosing this type of parlour design, and how can we help you make it a reality?

Taking Advantage of What the Right Milking System Can Offer.

The ability to handle many cows very quickly is the herringbone design's greatest benefit. Because milking can proceed on one side of the setup while another side is exiting to make way for new cows, a seamless flow can be achieved resulting in a higher throughput. When time is of the essence and gains in efficiency are most important, this setup offers a solid option. While working effectively in such a setup does take some practice, with time and finesse it can become a clear preference.

Herringbone milking systems are also more durable. With fewer moving parts than some alternatives, there is less that can break down easily. The resulting reliability keeps your milkers in service for longer, minimising downtime and ultimately translating to a positive impact on your bottom line. Combined with the easy ability to wash things out as necessary and the system can represent a long-term cost saving as well as a more immediate efficiency boost.

Securing a Herringbone Milking System Made Easy.

At Better Dairy Systems, we can provide dairy farmers like you with access to a clear vision for effective milking systems. From initial discussions of your requirements to the first design drawings all the way through to a complete on-site installation, we are ready to help guide you through the entire process. When achieving gains in milking efficiency is crucial, start with a strong foundation from which you can build. By choosing the right setup for your cows, you can tap into many benefits like those listed above. Find out more about these systems, or contact us now for more information on what we can achieve together.

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